The fungus in the nails. Causes, symptoms, treatment (photo)

Almost every third person's nail fungus in the feet. The disease is called onychomycosis causes delamination, crumbling of the nail plate. The onychomycosis may occur at any age require timely and proper treatment under expert guidance.


What is onychomycosis?

Onychomycosis - fungal infection of the nail plate. The disease may be a fungus caused by dermatophytes or microspores. Fungi adversely affect the building Foundation of the nail keratin and can gradually eat because the deformation changes.

The following types of onychomycosis:

  • Normal scars. Change the color of the nail, streaks, spots.
  • Hypertrophic. There is not only the color change, but it is also easy to deformation. Most often, the nail becomes deformed, the edges.
  • Onicholocheskiy. The nail has been destroyed, atrophy, or rejected.

Fungal infection may cause deformation of the nail to the free edge, the side, the back of the pillow. As the disease process affects the entire nail plate.


Fungus toe nails it seems, not only because of low immunity. Approximately 70% of infected sick people, but this is often a relative. The smallest scales of the skin of the foot falls household items, as well as the connection to the healthy tissue of the nail or the skin, to infect a healthy person.

Infection occurs most commonly through:

  • Towel.
  • Sponge.
  • Towel.
  • Carpet.
  • Shoes.
  • Manicure accessories.

When you visit the beach, sauna, bathroom, Slippers without, there is a high risk of infection with the fungus of the feet. High humidity and temperature, infection occurs more often.

Especially attentive it is necessary that the public places where people walk barefoot. Fungi resistant to low or high temperature, and the sand on the beach they keep their viability for several months.

The smallest injury, wear and tear of the leg through contact with infected objects can cause onychomycosis. It is not necessary to continue wearing the shoes of the other person, even if the external manifestations of mushrooms, these are detected. Can be carriers of pathogenic organisms, strong immunity, the disease does not manifest itself.


In the initial stages of the fungus on the feet is manifested in the dryness, peeling. At this time people might not notice visual changes nail plates, but suffer from itching, burning of the fingers. Gradually increased sweating, in rare cases, blisters, corns. The introduction of the fungus in the nail start to change color, become brittle, and cracked.

Nail under the microscope a mixture of contains, and then the void. Feet become smelly, but general symptoms increasing.

In severe cases, rise in body temperature, or severe painthat is not moving normally. It looks like the fungus, the nail, which changes in characteristics, largely depends on the type, the strength of the human immune system.

The fungi dermatophytes appear yellow, longitudinal stripes, yeast, because peeling of the nail plate yellowish. Mold, because of their superficial lesions of the nail plate, which can be yellow, brown, blue, or green.

The description of the disease, the different types of mushrooms are different, but common symptoms.

These are the following:

  • The color change of the nail plate.
  • Itching, burning, the skin of the toes.
  • Stripes, spots under the nails.
  • The crumbling, destruction of the nail at the sides.
  • Redness of the skin around the nails.
  • Hyperkeratosis (thickening of the nail).

The disease begins with lesions of the nail of the little finger or toe, after which there is no infection in the discs. There is a cornification of the nail thickens and crumbles. Fungal infections usually affect adult males, the elderly, the children, and very rare.

Nail fungus

Treatment involved the dermatologist or mycologist. The exact diagnosis is not enough visual checks, and the necessary laboratory tests. This is the small part of the nail sent for the microscopic examination. When detecting the fungus to create the view taken of the nutrient broth.

Despite the fact that most of the disease the nail plate in adults mushrooms, many diseases with similar symptoms. The defeat of the nail fungus can cause similar symptoms but requires different treatment. This criminal, or an acute purulent inflammation of the fingers, requiring surgery.

How to treat nail fungus?

It is not expected that the fungus will go away by itself. The longer a person suffers from this disease, the more difficult it will be to further treatment.

The duration of treatment is selection of the drugs depends on:

  • The stage of the disease.
  • The degree of damage to the nail.
  • Clinical form of the disease.

In the initial stages of the nail fungus, feet require the use of local medicines, which is in the form:

  • Solutions.
  • Ointments fungus.
  • Creams.
  • Varnishes.

Apply to preparations for external use, preferably after keratolytic treatment of the nail plate.

Before each treatment, the application of the drug is necessary:

  • To the soap-soda bath. A bath, add a tablespoon of baking soda, salt, 50 g of soap. Keep your feet in the solution for approximately 15 minutes.
  • Treatment of the damaged nail. A special nail file the top layer of the nail Polish and destruction, so the drug is better absorbed.
  • Apply the medication. The drug is applied to clean, dry nails, the skin around them.

If you use solutions, ointments, creams, the application of the drug 2-3 times a day, lucky – 2 times a week. The course of treatment determined by the doctor depending on the existing damage.

If the nail plate was completely stunned, and local medicines, do not have a positive effect, it is recommended to combine them in the system antimykotika.

Systemic drug therapy is a long list of contraindications should be appointed by the doctor. Most of them are prohibited pregnancy, lactation, childhood, chronic diseases of the liver, and the kidneys.


In severe cases, under-nail fungus may request removal of the nail plate. The procedure can be done as surgically as well as keratolytic, which are salicylic acid, urea.

The removal of the affected nail keratolytic spots different the comfort of. After steaming foot patch gently applied to the infected nail plate, closed by adhesive plaster. In a few days the plaster is removed, cut the affected areas of the disk, which is the antifungal medication. The procedure can be performed several times.

During the treatment it is important to exclude the risk of repeated self-infection. It's the whole Shoe is treated with a special antiseptic solution. The socks that he was tired before the treatment, it is better to get rid of. In the future each month, a second treatment on the footwear, clothing. If you refuse this procedure, after a short time the fungus may reappear.

The symptoms fungus treatment is completely unique, the first signs of this disease to see a doctor. Only he will be able to make an accurate diagnosis and select an effective drug. By the way the fungus spread to other nails to completely destroy them.